According to an article I read here at slate the other day, apparently the war on terror has spread to the realm of online gaming. I heard about this thing called "Second Life" awhile ago. I think its somekind if online verison of "The Sims", which I played for a for awhile a few years ago until I realized my "sims" lives were even more mundane than my own. After trying to get some kicks torturing and killing the sims I's created, I quickly gave it up for good, realizing that even that wasn't worth all the time it entailed, not nearly as much fun as I had melting, burning, and blowing up G.I. Joes when I was 11. Anyway, these new developments in the fantasical world of "Second Life" might have me changing my mind.
Due to what they see as the powers of commericalism overrunning their 2ndtopia, a group of online gamers calling themselves the "Second Life Liberation Army" have started shooting other Second Lifers as they come out of the big box chains store that have invaded the fantasy world. They're also planting and setting off virtual bombs outside these stores as well. Oh, the horror! All that those innocent gamers want is some bitchin Adidas for their virtual feet. Umm...wait a minute... think I might be with the "terrorists" on this one. Way to go guys, keep virtual bombing or whatever it is you do.
It still sounds pretty lame, but no more lame than lighting G.I. Joe on fire.
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