Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Isn't This Why I Have My Profile Set to Private?
This is the message I received today on myspace:
From: Danny
Date: Feb 27, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Magic: The Gathering
Body: Hello, my name is Danny. I live in Eureka Springs, Ar.
I am looking for more Magic: The Gathering players for my local Saturday gaming group.
Please contact me if you are interested.
Danny Turner
I mean, I can't believe how many Saturday nights I've been wasting not knowing that there was a regular Magic: The Gathering game only two hour away! Which reminds me...
Click here to read one of the funniest things I've ever read on the internet. Props to Michael Simeone for showing it to me.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Oscar Night!
So far the red carpet stuff is pretty boring. Eddie Murphy keeps bringing up Pluto Nash. Apparently bffs Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts have a lot of fun going to BBQs together. I bet Nicole hogs the ribs. Leo's still crazy for Scorsese, so is Mark Walhberg. Everythings pretty dull so far, but the ceromony is about to start.
7:30 PM
Alright I have a question, who the hell sits in the second balcony? Is that were everyone who won one of those oscars they give away before the actual award show sit?
7:41 First joke about Peter O'Toole's age.
Ok, that Gospel Choir was just riduclous
So far Ellen's funny but not that funny.
Pan's Labryth wins best art direction, I think that movies still in town. I really want to see it.
I missed that last ten minutes, I've got it tivoing, I'll check it out later.
The bit with the girl from Little Miss Sunshire and Will Smith son was a nice touch. I don't know about the whole presenting the "short" awards gimmick. If that's the joke don't you think midget would be funnier?
Steve Carell and Greg Kinear deliver that best joke of the evening so far, and about sound editing of all things.
Judging from the look on Eddie Murphy's face, he's about as excited about the award for Sound Mixing as you are.
Ah...best supporting actor. I'm cheering for Eddie Murphy, even though I have yet to see Dreamgirls. And it goes to...Alan Arkin. The Academy decides to continue their practice of snubbing comedians. Welcome to Bill Murray's world Eddie. Oh well, Arkin was great in Little Miss Sunshine. "Again with the fucking chicken?!"
Looks like they've decided to get all the nominated songs over with in one fell swoop. Probably a good time for a smoke break.
The AL Gore gag was funny but kinda depressing... in a perfect world people who win Presidential elections would go on to be President, not making jokes with Leo at the Oscars
Hom many pills did that guy who won for best adapted sceenplay actually pop before his exceptance speech?
Ah...what would costuming be without the live tabteau to show it off, this is almost as ridiculous as the interpretive dance last year for all the best song nominees.
Okay... I'm starting to like Ellen as the host. The Clint Eastwood picture bit just won me over.
Pan's Labyrinth wins another one....I've really got to see this movie.
Robert Downey Jr. makes a joke about his drug history. Well... its not like that isn't the first thing that pop into your mind whenever you see him.
They're really not letting anyone finish their exceptance speeches this go around. Makes me hope Peter O'Toole doesn't win just so I don't have to see him get cut off in mind sentence.
Hey! The guy excepting the award for best foreign language film isn't even German!
And why is the music they're using to cut people's speeches off so sad? It sounds like the song for the Increduble Hulk TV show whenever you see Bruce Banner hitchhiking.
Eva Green looks like somekind of vampire bride.
Best Documentary...Lets hope Al Gore wins...and actually does announce his candidacy for President. Hey, a boy can dream right. Yep, he's a winner, even if he isn't a President.
Hey, Clint Eastwood sounds like me when I try and read aloud.
I wish they would give me more of a heads up before they bring out Celine Dion. If I had if been prepared I would have had enough time for a proper smoke break.
If they are going to do the fast talking gag, can't they get the micromachines guy?
Alright Litle Miss Sunshine wins for best Sceenplay. I really think that it was the best movie I've seen in several years.
That guy that used to be a VJ on MTV just reminded me that I forgot to do an Oscar ballot this year. Oh well.
Did I hear that right? Did they just say that Jennifer Lopez was an excellent reason for high defintion television? Even Jay Leno is classier when he's introducing people than that.
I wish Eddie Murphy would sing during the Dreamgirls song. Apparently he refused. But overall this is much better than what the song porition of the award show is usually like.
The Academy says... America is just one big movie montage
I wonder if Scorsese is getting nervous yet?
Shouldn't they have given out the film editing award, like, and hour ago. Maybe they'd save more time is they cut a montage instead of cutting off all the speechs.
Ok, I've laid off the dancers that make themselves into shapes because I think they came to Hendrix once. But that gun they made just looked silly
Is it just me or does Reese Witherspoon's chin look a little weird
Forrest Whittaker just gave an excellent acceptance speech.
I swear right after they announced Martin Scorsese name he threw up his hands as if to say, "Well, it's about time!"
Departed gets best picture. Thats a bit suprising. It was a great movie and I loved it, but it didn't scream best picture to me. Oh well, what do I know, I'm the one that thinks that Crash sucked.
Overall Impression: Good, but a little bit underwhelming. Last years Oscars were better. Except for the part were Crash won best picture. Sorry, I just really didn't like that movie. Well doing this blogcast was fun. My ass hurts from sitting for so long. I'm going to bed. Night Night.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Finally, a Reason for Me to Start Online Gaming!
According to an article I read here at slate the other day, apparently the war on terror has spread to the realm of online gaming. I heard about this thing called "Second Life" awhile ago. I think its somekind if online verison of "The Sims", which I played for a for awhile a few years ago until I realized my "sims" lives were even more mundane than my own. After trying to get some kicks torturing and killing the sims I's created, I quickly gave it up for good, realizing that even that wasn't worth all the time it entailed, not nearly as much fun as I had melting, burning, and blowing up G.I. Joes when I was 11. Anyway, these new developments in the fantasical world of "Second Life" might have me changing my mind.
Due to what they see as the powers of commericalism overrunning their 2ndtopia, a group of online gamers calling themselves the "Second Life Liberation Army" have started shooting other Second Lifers as they come out of the big box chains store that have invaded the fantasy world. They're also planting and setting off virtual bombs outside these stores as well. Oh, the horror! All that those innocent gamers want is some bitchin Adidas for their virtual feet. Umm...wait a minute... think I might be with the "terrorists" on this one. Way to go guys, keep virtual bombing or whatever it is you do.
It still sounds pretty lame, but no more lame than lighting G.I. Joe on fire.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Hey...Republicans Don't Flip Flop, They Come To The Right...umm...I Mean the Light
Ahh, how quickly things change after only 6 years. I remember it like yesterday. I stepped on board a magical RV known as "The Straight Talk Express." Some of you might be suprised to discover I was once a staunch supporter of a Republican Presidental Canidate. Imagine my own surprise when I realized there might actually be a Republican out there for me. Well, thank God for George Bush, he might not have done much, but W did keep me from me from voting for a complete douche bag (ok, I did end up voting for Nader in that election).
Seriously, what does this guy actually stand for, I mean besides being President? He was against torture, and now he's for it. Well not for it, but just leaving it to George Bush to decide what "torture" is. Now this...
'McCain in 1999, "I’d love to see a point where it is irrelevant, and could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary. But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations."'
McCain 2.0 said...
'STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me ask one question about abortion. Then I want to turn to Iraq. You’re for a constitutional amendment banning abortion, with some exceptions for life and rape and incest.
MCCAIN: Rape, incest and the life of the mother. Yes.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So is President Bush, yet that hasn’t advanced in the six years he’s been in office. What are you going to do to advance a constitutional amendment that President Bush hasn’t done?
MCCAIN: I don’t think a constitutional amendment is probably going to take place, but I do believe that it’s very likely or possible that the Supreme Court should — could overturn Roe v. Wade, which would then return these decisions to the states, which I support.'
p.s. Sorry about the crude photoshop. It took me forever just to figure out how to do that.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Prophecy Alert!
Look out everyone, I might have just had another one of my "famous" prophetic dreams. Sure so far the most significant of these has been the one about the WWF buyout of the WCW, but I refuse to believe its was just a fluke. I did also have one were I sat in on a conference meeting between Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, and they did die a couple years later... it must mean something.
Anyway, last night I had a dream that Presidente' Bush resigned for the "good of the country." Now I'm not making any predictions here, but if this baby comes true I'm totally signing up for prophecy classes. The dream never mentioned anything about Cheney though. But I do think I might have seen an IV drip full of unicorn blood....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Yay!!! It's Valentine's Day And I'm All Alone!!!
So, remember when Valentine's Day was cool? Like in the 3rd grade. You bought a box of Spider Man valentines, thought about sending a special one to the pretty girl sitting four desk away from you, decided against it, and then spent the last hour of school consuming massive amounts of candy, cake, and sugar water. Ah, those were the days. And then by Junior High that all get ruined with the intoduction of "the carnation." Pink if its for a friend, and red if... its someone thats more than a friend. You wait around all day wondering if you have a secret admirer. Then 2 o'clock rolls around and the carnation girl calls your name...its a red one... and it turns out to be your buddies' joke about the girl you dated at band camp.
Anyway, for anyone that's interested, this Valentine's Day I'm currently living the dream, (well short of going out and making out with a stranger) I'm spending the evening doing nothing. Nothing. Well...besides comsuming a lot of sugar... ah who am I kidding... consume a lot of wine. Hey, I did have a Valentine's Day cookie. Whatever, I'm so living the dream.