Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My So Called Apology

Ok, so the month of march was not a good month for blogging. I wish I could say I had other things going on but I didn't. In fact most of what did at work all day was think up things to write about in my blog but then I'd get home and think, eh, I'm going to go do some other stuff. And I have been doing other stuff. Ok, I did spend a fair amount of time when I got home, sitting in front of the TV watching Chris Matthews yell at people. Good God how did I ever become such a news junkie?!

So, anyway, I know this is a lame post. I also know that I've been sitting here in bed for the past 2 hours and I really need to quit typing, get in the shower, and start my day.

Oh, and in other news, I moved to Little Rock yesterday.


melissa said...

i can only forgive you for being a lame blogger because you moved to little rock. HOORAY! give me a call soon so we can hang out. :)

Anonymous said...

way to move and not tell anybody.
:( anyway, i'll be in conway quite a lot seeing melissa, so maybe we can hang out? no? yes?

Anonymous said...
